But #BLM right?

4 min readJan 25, 2021


If it isn’t obvious already, I am a black muslim woman. And I got some real beef with everyone rn. Especially with how black women are treated. How we doing all the fucking work yet we are erased today, yesterday and tomorrow too. I can discuss (though not 100% fully knowledgeable) about the treatment of black women but I shall focus on black women and mental health and how we are forgotten so much there.

One thing I have observed is the rise of discussion of mental health….with black men. I mean good, finally men are discussing it but why is there not a discussions regarding mental health and black women? To even discuss mental health, the truth is women have higher rates of mental health disorders. According to Riecher-Rössler(2017), it has been shown that women have higher rates known that women have a higher lifetime prevalence of mood, anxiety and later onset schizophrenic psychoses. I can literally go on just gender and psychology in itself(my biggest pet peeve is women being denied having ASD or ADHD but that’s a different convo for another day). It is known for a while and strongly backed that women struggle with mental health more… yet I *personally* barely see the conversation happening. In terms of real solutions and space unless its done by us from a therapeutic pov.

So what about black women? According to Thelma Matilda Alves Foundation; 29% of Black women having a common mental health disorder in comparison to 24% of Asian women, 21% of White British Women and 16% of White other women. Furthermore, Women of African/Caribbean descent experience a higher rate of mental health disorders than white women but are less likely to receive mental health treatment. Even in my own research looking into self-harm(self promo gang gang) black women had higher levels of self-harm. Yet why is this the case? Hmm? So going back to my point before, if black WOMEN have one the highest rates of all demographics, why aren’t we the centre focus?

Simple, who cares?? Apart from other black women(and sometimes this is selective within itself) who genuinely cares? Look how much physical, emotional and mental labour black women do. And now compare it to how much we are thought and cared about. The same people screaming ‘ black queeeeeeens’ #sayhername and all the catchy phrases are the same damn ones harming us. When it comes within our communities, we are being used and abused even and yet being forced to lay ourselves bare for the sake of others. Within womanhood, within blackness, within our religions(in my case Islam). And for what? To die without being loved and cared for.

The term ‘resilient’ is a term that cuts my mouth inside. How many times, if you’re a black women have you been told you are so resilient, you have to endure, you just have to put up with it? Just think about that for a second. How our pain and suffering has forced to become our identity and the consequences are these stats. I struggle immensely now with vulnerability and emotional regulations because I have been reared to not even acknowledge it. Just to swallow every interaction, every word, every event and continue. Funnily enough couple of weeks ago I got denied a health check based on the fact ‘i’m a healthy 23 year old woman’. Mind you i went into detail why i needed it.

One incident that really pissed me off is how the death of Breonna Taylor(may she forever rest in peace) has been discussed and been escalated online. How the fuck did she turn into a damn meme?? Like fucking hell why did i see fucking phone cases and meme photos to ‘grab’ attention. To me that was such a example of how black women are seen. From her life and especially her death. It was the most grotesque display of faux concern I have seen in a long time.

I can go on a tandent all day regarding this and this post will become 45 mins long to read. But the matter of fact is black women are suffering. Immensely and there’s the stats proving it. Yet what is happening? Other women, what is UP? Black men, WASSUP??? HELLO! its i love black women today yet when one wants to discuss her problem all of the sudden its gaslighting and silenced. We deserve so much more and it is so unfair we have to fight to be given humanity. Imagine that? Begging to be seen as a human being?

So I shall finish with this. Look at the black women in your life. How are they doing? What are YOU doing? Reflect on that. And to any black women reading this, how are you caring for yourself? Are you being heard? Validated? Appreciated? I hope you are.

But #BLM right?

Thank you for reading my words. Until next time.


  1. Riecher-Rössler, A. (2017). Sex and gender differences in mental disorders. The Lancet Psychiatry, 4(1), 8–9.
  2. https://www.thelmamatildaalvesfoundation.com/our-mission



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